
Good morning, my lovely friends. ☕

It seems like the worst of the weather is over. We needed a few things for dinner last night, and he dropped me off at the house and went to the store. I texted him telling him to go to the back of the house because I could barely get up the front steps, and according to the tracking for two packages, neither could the delivery people. Later, he slipped on the back steps when he was taking the trash out front. He estimated there was around a half an inch of ice on the back walk and the driveway. Fortunately, aside from what’s left on the trees and a few slick patches on sidewalks, most of the ice seems to have disappeared overnight, replaced with a bit of flurries.

My mom got her second present from us, shipment of tiny succulents. They made her cry. When my grandmother sold her island house and moved in with my mom full-time, she brought a big terracotta pot of “hens and chicks” that had been on her deck for years. Some were divided among a couple of us, with most of them staying in the pot. When we bought our house – which already had A HUGE plot of them and I took as a sign that this was our place – we took our small pot. Eventually, mom took her pot to Florida when she moved.

And then, last summer, something ate them.

I really wanted to send her some from the “Nanny batch”, but it’s too cold to be digging them up. Maybe in the spring.


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