numerous record lows

numerous record lows

Hello, good morning, it’s time to greet the day. If you sing it a little, you’ll have my daily experience with Shawshank in the morning. It’s an even more accurate representation if you sing it while you’re making the bed with your spouse still in said bed.

Silly songs aside, it’s a bright sunny morning here in TinyTown. I’ve been treated to some amazing skies since my arrival.

As far as I know, the cats didn’t come into bed with us. There were shenanigans to be had. I’ve gotten out of the habit of saying “goodnight” to Chaucer before going to bed, so he didn’t come in with us. Pippin doesn’t come in immediately anyway. Regardless of whether they come in when we go to bed, they’re both up there with us in the mornings, circling the mattress.

The cats are back to what I’d call normal cat behaviors again. Chaucer wants to be in a lap at all times. Pippin – previously Shawshank‘s golden child and upset about sharing her human – needed to be as close to Shawshank‘s lap as she could.

The double-snuggle happened after an impromptu meeting at dinner. Chaucer jumped onto the pirate chest while Pipping was already sleeping on it. He was desperate for a bite of our chicken, and jumped up without looking first. It was a shock to both of them when he landed right next to her.

Today is Shawshank‘s last day of vacation. We’re planning to spend the afternoon heading back out to Slightly BiggerTown. They have a secondhand store that was closed when we went on Friday. Our plan is to check out the shop that was closed the other day, and see if they have the tea kettle I want (or anything else that catches my eye). If they don’t have anything, we’ll check out the antique store again and maybe buy it there, or visit TinyTown’s own secondhand shop.

Repeat after me: you don’t need a 1980’s wedding dress and veil, no matter how puffy and princessy it would make you feel. Especially not when you have four Chrome tabs open with kigurumi listings.


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