overnight feline shenanigans

Good morning, world. Happy Monday. New week, new you. The sun is barely up and I’ve already contorted myself to reach some cat puke in the inaccessible space under the bed. The day can only improve from here.

I don’t know what the hell the cats got up to overnight. There were feline shenanigans afoot when Shawshank and I went to bed last night. I heard the telltale sound of someone’s feet scrabble-running in the hallway just before I fell asleep.

I felt Pippin crawl out of the blankets in the wee hours of the morning. However, neither of the cats was in bed when I woke up before sunrise. I’ve decided my body refuses to give up the Pensacola time zone when it comes to waking up. I’m still waking up around 6am Pensacola, which is 5am in here in TinyTown. Falling asleep at bedtime is fine, but if I wake up, getting back to sleep is nearly impossible.

Much like the rest of the week, Shawshank and I spent most of yesterday doing nothing. We watched some TV and Youtube, and mostly sat on the couch until later in the afternoon when we walked over to Shady Acres. His mom had everything we needed for us to bake the “secret family cake recipe”. It has a pretty lengthy bake time, and we started mixing it up pretty much as soon as we walked in the door. Even so, we still had a rare treat: warm pumpkin chocolate chip cake for dessert.

Shawshank‘s vacation is coming to an end, and so we’re making the most of what we’ve got left. By that, I mean we’re sitting around the house watching the cats and the TV. I’ll probably put clothes on, on the off chance I want to run outside for some spin time.

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