What’s with today, today?

What’s with today, today?

Good morning, my lovelies. Welcome to today.

I managed to survive another entire shift with the new system at work. It’s fantastic hearing our “mentors”, who have been using the system and are working with/helping us, talk about working with StressedRPh over the weekend. They all agree, StressedRPh sticks her nose into things she doesn’t need to be worrying about. One of the mentors actually told her she wasn’t needed and they were handling things just fine. During a slow point yesterday, a mentor showed me how to view the current work queue, and I made her promise she wouldn’t show that function to StressedRPh, otherwise she’d go back to her bad habit of “dumping” the queue and making more work for herself.

Tonight, we’re starting the prep work for Thanksgiving dinner. Our two turkey breasts have been thawed, and we’re dry brining them this year. I’ll be baking up some cornbread for the stuffing, and while that bakes, I’m making some cranberry sauce. The two of us are looking forward to spending the day together and carrying on our tradition of bitching about the Macy’s parade, binge watching something, and listening to Alice’s Restaurant at noon.

Since it looks like I won’t be going out for family Thanksgiving, we plan on having our big Thanksgiving dinner at a normal dinner time instead of the afternoon like my family eats it. We’re going to do some easy appetizers for lunch, and I’ll probably just gorge myself on cauliflower nuggets again.

Time to get ready for work. Two shifts until I can sleep in. I haven’t decided if I’ll even put on real clothes on Thanksgiving day. I may be serving the turkey in a Pusheen onesie. Maybe we’ll make that a new tradition, onesies for dinner.


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