I’m tired of this

I’m tired of this

Allo, allo. Today is Wednesday. I know this, because people have put out their trash. I’m a day behind on my internal calendar this week. However, this week’s weather forecast has been spot on. Nothing but sunshine. Even the point where they were wrong still worked in our favor. Yesterday’s forecast called for thunderstorms. While some parts of Pensacola were drenched, we saw a whopping five minutes of light rain.

Mom‘s morning appointment went ok. The orthopedic doctor thinks the neurologist was an idiot. She’s nowhere near the point of needing a hip replacement. Dr. Ortho said they’ll start with physical therapy.

We were home by lunchtime. I made a sandwich after luring Chaucer back inside the house.

Because the forecasted rain slipped past us, I was able to go outside for a paint after lunch. I put on the newest ridiculous clothing purchase, a sundress from the kid’s department.

I’ve nearly reached the point of LEAVE IT ALONE on two of them. I know I’m going to fuck them up. I also started a fourth painting. Frankly, this was a stupid idea, as I still haven’t finished the optical illusion. I’m thinking that I may need to hide my boards. If I don’t have boards to hold paper, then I can’t prep new stuff. Consequently, I couldn’t start any new paintings until I finish the current batch.

It could be a good system if I actually did it. We all know I won’t do jack shit.

I don’t think we’re doing anything today. It’s a lazy day.


  1. John H

    Good morning Crystal, the artwork looks fantastic. And this just needs to be said, you’re cool AF girl love the outfit lol rock ON Crystal! 😎👍👍

    • crystal

      One of my friends commented that my leggings were 80’s arcade carpet floor and now I can’t unsee it!

  2. I’ve nearly reached the point of LEAVE IT ALONE on two of them.

    The hardest point in creating, stopping before it’s ruined

    • crystal

      It really is! I’ve made a point where once I sign it, it’s DONE. There’s no touching it once the signature is down. I’m going to take them both out to the patio today and give the prairie house a little tweak, but I think they’re both pretty done 👍

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