

Ah, Saturday, glorious Saturday.

I have the house to myself until just about lunchtime. He’s been building up this fact all week. “What are you going to do all morning?”

Shit, man, don’t be foolish. I’m going to do all the same things I do whenever I have some alone time. I took a nap with Chaucer on the couch after he left at 6:30. As soon as I hit the post button for this, I’m heading upstairs, where I’m going to put some extra weight plates on my barbells. Then, I’m going to do a workout that’s going to make me feel that weird and awesome combination of pain and euphoria for the rest of the afternoon. When he comes home at lunchtime, we’re going out to a couple of places to buy the week’s food, and then to buy him some new work boots.

Maybe an afternoon nap will be in order.

Good morning, or whatever it might be. Enjoy the rest of your day ☕😁


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