With love’s light wings did I o’er-perch these walls

With love’s light wings did I o’er-perch these walls

I was up at 1:10am. There was a raccoon hanging from my window screen.

Let’s rewind a couple of days, shall we?

Mom has bird feeders in both the front and back yards. I wanted a small one for in front of my window to amuse the cats. Saturday, I bought a little acrylic one that sticks to the window with suction cups. It fell down that night. I put it up again on Sunday afternoon, and was happy to see a few birds checking it out yesterday morning. There was even a critter visit from one of the juvenile squirrels.

Well, let me tell you, not only is that feeder still up, it’s fucking coming down this afternoon. I had trouble falling asleep easily, which had nothing to do with the feeder, but just makes the fact I woke up at 1:10 to a fucking raccoon hanging from the feeder even more annoying. I hadn’t even been asleep for an hour when that porky fucker was reenacting scenes from Stallone’s “Cliffhanger” out there.

I spooked it. It ran off and I went back to sleep. An hour later, something woke me up again. Wannabe-Rocket is back on the window, stuffing his face full of songbird seed. FUCKING AGAIN.

I scared him off the feeder again by slapping at the blinds and opening the window a crack. He and Mal sat on opposite sides of the windowpane and sniffed at each other through the opening. Eventually, Mal had enough of this late night visit and tapped at the window until the raccoon left.

For good measure, Mal left a nightmare-scented power dump in the litter box under the window.


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