I’m awfully awake for a Monday

I’m awfully awake for a Monday

Good morning, my friends. We’ve all survived (presumably) yet another rotation of the planet. Good for you! Self-high-five!

I am ridiculously close to finishing the wreath I’m working on. I totally would have finished it yesterday if I hadn’t taken a nap. The nap was longer than expected. I set an alarm so I could have an hour or so to nap. I ended up with over two hours. Fucking nature shows, man. Knock my ass right out.

I’m enjoying the process of making this wreath. The stuff I read while I made the roses was just absolutely batshit with the Eugenics wreath. I used two sexual health/education texts for this one. One was from 1949, the other was from 1969, and the diagrams are great.

I’ve been saving some of the color pages for a later project idea.

Shawshank‘s boss is attending some sort of meeting this week and will be showing off the new online catalog he’s been working on. It works fine. It looks great. His boss loves it, which is what matters most. However, I know how it is when it’s “your baby” someone else is showing off.

The agent has already messaged me with issues for the morning. I need to send her pictures ASAP after they’ve taken out the oil tank today. Someone is supposed to pop the house’s siding back into place, but we’re not sure which handyman is in charge of that. If it was the same guy who did the steps, then he’s screwed up and forgotten part of his job.

1 Comment

  1. I am nervous about her showing it off. This’ll be the “first test” of it. I hope it doesn’t break and sails through with flying colours.

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