It’s Monday #2

It’s Monday #2

For some reason, today just feels like a Monday to me. I think it might be the routine switched up. Every other weekend, cleaning/shopping is usually a Sunday thing. I don’t know why I didn’t do it. I’ve been out of work long enough now, and days no longer have meaning.

I’m hoping the agent calls or emails today. I want some good news about the appraisal. I don’t want to sell off EVERYTHING until I know for certain when I’m out. The last thing I want is to sell all this shit then have some sort of hiccup in the closing force me to spend a month without the TV or microwave.

Aside from the appraisal stuff, and the furniture stuff, I want to do a workout today. I’m getting a little stir crazy. However, I know it’s mostly just the fact I can’t focus on anything. I have stuff I need to do. Unfortunately, I’m (again) reaching a point of “I don’t know where to start on the stuff I need to do, so I’ll something else”.

I guess I’ll start by getting dressed. No matter what I do today, I need to wear clothes.


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