Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

Good morning, peeps. I think it’s Wednesday. I’d say we’re halfway through the week, but we’ve barely even started the day. Regardless, I’ve got a cup of tea, and I’ve accepted my fate: yet another early shift at the pharmacy.

This morning is chilly and rainy. I’m not super thrilled. I took a load of boxes outside for trash, and I’m sure they’re dissolving on my curb as I type this. Deep down, I know they’re not going to be complete mush. I’ve seen Amazon boxes rained on all day and be totally ok. However, walking out at 8:30am and dealing with a pile of wet trash is definitely a fear of mine.

Unfortunately, the rain doesn’t show any signs of stopping this week. From the looks of it, by the time the weather system causing this rain moves out, the remnants of Hurricane Zeta will slide in. As an added bonus, Zeta will combine with some bullshit cold coming in from Shawshank‘s neck of the woods. We have a chance of seeing some wintery mix on Friday morning.

All told, we should expect a decent amount of rain through Saturday.

After work, I plan to go to the Halloween store. I want to pick up some bat wings. After giving it some thought, I decided not to go with my DJ idea. I really don’t want to spend the entire day explaining what I’m dressed as and what a DJ is. I’d really like to go as a plague doctor. Alas, I think that would be just a tad over the line into “inappropriate healthcare costumes”. There was also a pretty decent handmaid costume there, which would be comfy, but probably still not cool for work.

Speaking of handmaids….

Yesterday morning, I looked outside and spotted one out of the corner of my eye.

It turned out to be a neighbor’s patio umbrella.


  1. No. You know what? Choose either the plague doctor, or the handmaid. How many more Halloween’s are you gonna have there? Don’t hold back! Let your freak flag fly! You can do it OfShawshank! Kick ass and take names! ❤️🦕

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