Cinnamon Raisin with Cream Cheese Please

Cinnamon Raisin with Cream Cheese Please

The weekend is here. Like, RIGHT HERE.

Yesterday was a good day at work. Matryoshka actually works, so things went very smoothly all day. She was pissed about how little Capt. Useless did on Thursday. When she closed up on Wednesday, there was NOTHING leftover. In fact, all of Thursday’s work and some of Friday’s was done. Yet somehow Capt. Useless still managed to fuck everything up.

I left at 5pm and grabbed some soda, then hit up the grocery store for some dinner fixings and lunches for the next few weeks. As decreed by Shawshank, I had steak wraps. I remembered that I wanted to buy mushrooms for them, and splurged on some bleu cheese. Then, while I assembled the wraps, I forgot about the bleu cheese. However, as Shawshank said, it’ll be eaten.

I spent a couple of hours outside after dinner, getting my flow on. It was the highlight of my night. I’m trying to add more moves to my skillset, and last night I worked on smoothing out some transitions and started to add some tosses to the mix. It would probably be easier to learn tosses in the daylight, but whatever.

This weekend should be a good start to what I hope is the final push of finally getting some of the bigger things I wanted to sell out of the house. Someone will pick up some a little wall display case in a little while, and someone else will be here for some media shelves this afternoon. Tomorrow, I have someone who wants to take at least one fur wrap and try on another coat before she commits to it. Someone else might be by to check out and buy an antique commode at some point.

In between all this, I’ve got chores and a trip to Home Depot for some sleeping platform materials. And I want a bagel for lunch.

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like a busy weekend. Ooh, you could put the bleu cheese on the bagel!

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