The days are still running together. I wise man once said “sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink”. I haven’t reached that point yet.
I’m working a slightly later shift tonight because we still have no idea when or if NewTech will ever come work anything other than Saturdays. I plan to write my post, then do a bit of a morning workout. Plus, the later start time will let me go to the post office to mail out an eBay package.
Guess who still hasn’t left the damned country? If you guessed Shawshank, you’d be correct. He’s beyond frustrated at this point. To make matters more annoying, the ICE detainees won their lawsuit to be released on house arrest instead of festering in that potential Covid-19 incubator, or being transferred out to larger, worse incubators. However, the release is only for the guys who hadn’t already signed off on their removal orders. Shawshank signed his papers at his last court date in early May. Roughly 10 guys at a time will be processed out every day, until pandemic things clear up a bit and removals return to regularity. Shawshank‘s expecting to be in there by himself unless they send him off by the weekend.
Hopefully the facility’s ICE agent can give him some answers today. He’s incredibly frustrated with the entire situation. However, he’s also said “if I’m the last one here, then all the TVs are the white TV.”
Something got screwed up with my paycheck last week. It was my fault entirely, and now I’m $100 short for the next two weeks. I won’t put me in a financial bind, but it will be a tighter couple of weeks than I’d have liked. I’ve been good about saving the corona-bonus, and I want to keep that up. I food shop every two weeks and only spend about $60/trip, which is awesome. The only extra expense this week will be gassing up the truck. Last week’s trip to Homeland Security means I’ll need to fill up a week earlier than normal. On the other hand, once Shawshank leaves, there’s no more commissary care packages or $7 phone calls to pay for.
Today, I think it’s a MusicMan shift. At least my late shifts might be somewhat enjoyable this week. I’ll come home and cook up some eggs for dinner. For right now, it’s time to do a workout.
Have a good Wednesday, folks.