

Rise and shine, my lovelies. The order to “shine” is optional, weather permitting. It’s certainly not shining here. It’s gray, and rainy, and really, really windy.

While I didn’t accomplish as much as I wanted yesterday, I managed to do the laundry, and the dishes. I also mopped the kitchen floor, and went from room to room to find the set of tiny chairs we bought 15 years ago. Every chair was in a different room, and I felt like I was on a Skyrim gathering quest. Not only were they all in different rooms, but scattered through all three levels of the house. I pulled them all out onto the deck, took some pictures, and then pulled them all back into the house because it was starting to rain. Chaucer, annoyed that I took the little velvet chair away from him, has decided these make a better fortress.

Shawshank called last night, as planned. Since they’re having extended lock-ins while they’re under quarantine, we’ve changed our call schedule. He told me to expect a couple of letters in the next few days. Mostly, we talked about what my plans are for the next day or two. Unlike today, tomorrow’s weather is supposed to be sunny. I’m making a list of what to haul out of every room, I don’t want to miss anything. I’d like to think if I get it outside tomorrow there’s a better chance someone will take the usable things before trash pickup on Wednesday morning.

Making the decision to trash things has been difficult for me; I would prefer to donate most of it, but no one is taking donations right now. Things like the glassware and plates are boxed up right now, and I have them listed on the Facebook and Nextdoor marketplaces. Our governor wants to keep the state closed until at least May 8th, and hopefully some charities will be able to reopen and accept donations at that point.  I don’t know how long I can tolerate having things continuing to pile up.

Today, I’m meeting up with someone in Warwick to sell the two wreaths I was complaining about yesterday. My big plan for today is to get all of the boxes out of the living room and vacuum the rug. Then, I’ll drag everything back into the living room, along with the boxes in the dining room, and I’ll take care of the dining room floor. There’s more kitchen stuff in the basement, mostly coffee mugs and extra pots, and I’ll box that up for removal. While I clean everything, I’m going to reinstall Ubuntu on Shawshank‘s second laptop, and get that up for sale.  With the state finally deciding to shut down schools for the rest of the year, I expect to sell it fairly quickly.

I also need to set aside some time to message Shawshank‘s Mom and give her the update on his last court appearance. Unfortunately, I won’t have much info for her. Shawshank‘s requested meetings with Captain America and the detainee advocate, to discuss what the process is from here. I won’t hear about the outcomes of those until tomorrow, if he sees them at all.  We still don’t know if his removal is considered “essential travel”.  The border closure between the US and Canada might make things weird for a little while.

However, tonight, I’ve planned a glorious dinner of meatballs and a homemade sauce. Pasta not included.

Happy Monday, people.


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