Good morning, again. We’re awake and getting caffeinated. It seems we’ve nearly reached nirvana when it comes to bed temp because I almost made it to morning. If we want to be technical, I did; I woke up around 5am. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t get comfortable. An hour later, I was scheduling content drops and editing photos.
Friday was long. We were up early so we could drive out to Slightly BiggerTown, and were on the road by 7am. If you’ve known me any length of time, you might know that I don’t travel well. There were times when every trip out of the house was planned around potential bathroom emergencies. It’s improved over the last 10 years, but I still have THE FEAR. As a result, I don’t eat or drink on the mornings when we go shopping. THERE’S NO BATHROOM FOR 45 MINUTES. I’M NOT SHITTING WITH THE COWS.
So we sat in the dealership for a few hours, with me playing “Balatro” on the Switch for a couple of rounds before passing it over to Shawshank so he could have a turn. I finally won a run. He played a bit and handed the console back to me, then he bought it for his phone. All the reviews are correct: the game is fucking crack.
Once we were finished at the dealership, we headed out and did the regular shopping routine, grabbing lunch on the way out of town. It was a pretty laid back afternoon. We ate a late lunch after putting away all the groceries. I finished up the game of “Balatro” I’d started in the dealership, forcing myself to stay awake. Wanting to keep my brain active, I fucked around with my WordPress plugin until I ran out of free plays on the good ChatGPT model. I briefly played with the downgraded model, managed to get something mostly working, but had to stop when things got too far out of my expertise. I much prefer to give it my entire plugin file and a question like “I want it to do ______, but it won’t ______”, and hitting ENTER like
Unfortunately, we can’t have an entirely good day without the universe shitting on me. On the days we go shopping, we usually have a bigger lunch, and only have snacks for dinner. Yesterday was no different, and we decided to put me in a hot bath a little earlier than usual so we could watch a movie for the rest of the night. Everything was good- until it was time for me to get out of the bath.
The tub was very warm last night, even after an hour of sitting in the water. I was bent over, trying to both dry my legs and slide my laptop and stuff out of the way so I wouldn’t drip on it. The world went a little pear-shaped, and I asked Shawshank to grab it because I didn’t trust myself to bend over again and not fall on the floor. I was all set to continue drying off, but grabbed the wall instead, hoping to remain upright without even really realizing I was on my way down.
Shawshank came in for the laptop and found me in the “frisk position” against the wall. He held my groggy ass up off the floor until the sparkles stopped, then walked me to the bedroom. I laid on the bed in a damp pile. Shawshank put my pants on me and moved my stuff out of the bathroom. Movie night was cancelled, because now we’re worried I’m going to be sick and pass out. He made me a little dinner and we watched some TV instead.
He’s working the closing shift today. I’m going to assume a human form, then do more morning things. I’ll upload this week’s clown photos to the spank banks while I put on my makeup. I can work on scheduling them tonight while I stream. Whatever doesn’t get scheduled tonight, I’ll deal with tomorrow morning.