snuggly kitties and cold air

snuggly kitties and cold air

Hello, good morning, wuzzzzzuuuuuuuuppppp? We’re out of bed, and doing our morning things. The cats are snuggling and warm.

I sat down yesterday and cut the pattern pieces out of their paper prisons. It took me easily two hours, but I did it. Then I folded them all nice and put them back in the envelope. Upon further inspection, I will need to deal with alterations, at least on the pants. I’ll probably add a little extra in the top/chemise as well. As flowy as it is, it can always be more flowy. If I’m wearing that nightgown, I want that shit billowy. What I really want is for it to look like I’m auditioning for a 1983 Summer’s Eve commercial.

I also played an hour or so of Just Dance after dinner. I even managed to eek out two or three high scores. Someone around my birthday, I’ll have to find myself a copy of the 2025 release so I can renew the online service for another year.

Shawshank has the day off, and we’re not doing anything. He’s going out to check the mail at some point. We’re having burgers tonight. It’ll be delicious.


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