Saturdays are for doing shit.

Good morning, my lovelies. I had a decent sleep, and the kitties let me sleep late without gnawing on my fingers. Since I didn’t cut my workout short last night, I’m skipping the typical Saturday Morning Mega Workout. I have tomorrow to make up for it, and I’m ok with that.

Most of the day is going to be spent out. First, I’m driving to the other side of the state. I have three boxes of saved family stuff, as well as a chair, to drop off with my uncle. Removing the boxes will free up some space in the common area of my house, just in time for me GET SHIT DONE and fill it up again.

Then, I have to go shopping. I need a few things for the fridge, but it shouldn’t be much. The biggest purchase will probably be a good mop. I haven’t decided on what I’ll have for dinners next week. However, once that’s figured out, I’ll make a list of whatever else I need to buy.

It’s supposed to be sunny all day, and maybe a little on the warm side. A month ago, I ordered myself a custom long-string leviwand from Derpgear, and it should be arriving some time today. Hopefully, I can get outside for a little while and play with all the flow toys.  It’ll be nice to be outside these walls for a change.

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