doubling up

doubling up

A thunderstorm hit us last night, which was a treat for me. The first year Shawshank was here, he boasted about the thunderstorms up here, and how much more impressive they are compared to what we saw in the northeast. On the other hand, there hadn’t been any rain storms since my arrival. Until last night, we’d only heard a few rumbles of thunder here and there. Thunderstorm warnings pop up all the time, always hitting Slightly BiggerTown and never us. I sat on the back step and smoked a few extra puffs to watch the light show. Unfortunately, the storm didn’t help my sleep. I was awake before 5am. I tried to will myself back to sleep, but had no luck.

Yesterday, Shawshank and I went to the BBQ lunch held by his grandmother’s nursing home. It was a nice day for it: loads of sun, enough wind to keep the flies off us, but not pull all the tents up. The burgers were excellent; the side dishes were…. not so good. I had baked beans, Shawshank had some sort of pasta salad or something, and neither were very tasty. There was a lemon cake for dessert, which we agreed would have been better if there was less lemon.

I set up the backdrop in the morning and took the second batch of Etsy shop photos. Once again, I “cheated the system” and used the forced accountability of body doubling in a live stream. I prepped the living room, used one of the spare phones for the stream and my regular phone for the photos. To avoid any “oops, I’m showing my ass on the wrong feed” mistakes during wardrobe changes, I put the pile of inventory on the other side of the room. I’m pretty sure I had everything shot within about 15 minutes. The humidity started moving in during an afternoon spin time live stream. I ended up logging off a bit earlier than usual because the living room was heating up.

I have some pants to finish today. That’s my goal.


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