Problem #2

We were promised thunderstorms around dinnertime last night. The storms showed up a couple of hours late, but came in with a vengeance. Last night, they seemed to be all rain and wind. The cable went out for a little while. This morning, the sky has that weird color and light of a nearby thunderstorm. The wind is gone, but the thunder is rolling, and it’s only a matter of time before the skies open up again.

I can’t even stay home. I’d love to stay in my chair, nurse a second cup of coffee, and enjoy the storms. Mal has an appointment with the vet. I’m pretty sure he’s got a giardia infection. I’ve always said he’s a foul beast. He never covers poop. He hates standing in the litter so sometimes he sticks his butt over the outside of the box. He’s farted since before Shawshank was gone. But this week he’s shit nowhere near the box 3 times, which is definitely not normal for him. Additionally, yesterday’s looked particularly like something heaved out of an Geiger alien. And THAT made me Google cat turds, and the other symptoms sort of clicked.

So now i feel like world’s worst cat mom again, because he’s probably had this for over a year now. I didn’t think anything was wrong other than “Mal is a gross cat”.

Oh, and since it’s thundering out, Mal is hiding under my bed. I have no idea how I’m going to get him out. I’ve already moved over of the crates into my bathroom. The vet’s office asked me to bring some poop, which is problem #2 – no pun intended. He hasn’t gone yet today. Mom says if I’m lucky (or not), he’ll leave a sample in the crate.

However, this will be the first time we’ll go to the vet and not be terrified of the bill. There’s money to take care of him.

The worst part of all this? If it is giardia, everyone is going to end up on meds. I don’t think Knickknack will have problems, but better safe than sorry. Unfortunately, Chaucer has a thing for eating ass. Hopefully I can get enough treatments for everyone without having to bring EVERYONE to the vet.

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