

We’ve spent the last two days in fog. I don’t mean my typical “wah, I feel like I’m in a mental fog, woe to the muthafuckin’ oh” way. I mean it in a “we haven’t explored enough of the area and the minimap’s still covered” way. The skies are overcast and everything is damp.

Yesterday was pretty normal. I took a bath and assumed a human form. I tried to work on pants, but the first pair I grabbed needed more stitching before I could put the elastic in them. Unfortunately, the entire process frustrated me because the top thread kept breaking. Shawshank came home to find me trying to pick fibrous shit out of the machine’s inner workings with my tweezers. I cleaned some stuff out of it. Gunk. I might open it back up and pull some more out, but regardless, we’ll try to finish them today.

We took turns and played our games in the afternoon. Shawshank made some progress. I’m locked in battle with a frog that keeps kicking my ass. While there’s no pre-battle cut scene, I need to pause the game to reset my equipment in the split second between the game starts and the frog hits me.

I’m assuming today will be more of the same. Shawshank has a full day of work today, leaving me unsupervised for the whole day. I’ll finish some pants.


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