everyone loves a parade

everyone loves a parade

Morning, y’all. It’s a sunny little Saturday morning, which is perfect for hanging out at a townwide festive this afternoon. I woke up warm, with Chaucer licking my hand. I tried to doze a bit, but it was too late in the morning for that sort of thing. When I eventually took off my sleep mask, it was just about time for the alarm to go off anyway.

The heat broke yesterday, and no one was miserable. The cats still slept all day, but that’s typical. Neither of them hid in dark hidey holes. I did my weekly Etsy shop maintenance, and listed two new items. I discovered I had an extra pair when I was measuring things, but I haven’t taken pics of them yet. They’re the bright yellow ones I had worked on this week, and they’re just too long for me. Maybe I’ll stick Shawshank in them.

Once the shop shit was handled, I did some crafty shit. I had one pair of pants in progress, the previously mentioned gray ones. They needed elastic, but needed some top stitching first. About 30 minutes later, all that shit was finished*. I also uploaded my fabulous (for me) promo video to Tiktok, which didn’t bring the traffic I hoped it might. Damn it.

Shawshank has headed out to work. He’s driving his shop’s truck in the parade today. Since the start of their route is right near the house, he’s going to pick me up around the start so I can have some fun. His boss told him to take $50 out of the store’s cash so we could enjoy the day, which was nice of her. It’s time to bust out the sunscreen again.

* Honestly, I love that part of the process. It’s relaxing.


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