Gray Everywhere

Gray Everywhere

It’s another dreary day in these parts. The skies are gray, and I don’t think much is supposed to change as the day goes on. I’m going into work early, to work with StressedRPh, and we head to therapy right after. Right now, the best part of my day just might be the quesadillas we’re going to have for dinner tonight.

Managed to get most of the second box of minis completed last night before stopping for the night. After Saturday’s and Sunday’s builds and learning a few lessons along the way, it was much faster going this time around.

Tonight, I’ll prime one of the extra ones I started last night, and then I’ll finish glueing bits onto this batch while he dries. At that point, I need to finish everything before I can open another box.

I got birthday money from my mom, and y’all have no idea how badly I want to buy a box of minis and paint them as a My Little Pony-themed squad. I’ve been planning it in my head, and it’s FUCKING AMAZING. I might buy them anyway and just stash them until the current things are finished.

At least I get a present tomorrow.


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