A Steel Drum of Angry Bees

A Steel Drum of Angry Bees

If you were wondering what that godawful noise you might have heard this morning was, it was my car. While I can’t be 100% certain, either the exhaust is close to death, or my Subaru Forester is cosplaying as a Honda Civic.

We spent yesterday just hanging out together. He was home from his group before lunch, and I’d already set up the Gloomhaven map at that point. I managed to get some painting done in the morning and later in the afternoon, and our custom minis should be finished and ready to play with next weekend, probably while the car is in the shop.

Today is the start of a new work schedule. I’m still doing day shifts, but I’ll be going in before we open a couple of days a week. Going in early is better for me than staying late, and after almost 14 years, it seems like BossRPh is finally starting to understand that. It also nets me an extra hour in my paycheck. Nothing amazing, but it’ll put some gas in the car.

Tonight, we continue with his plans for vegetarian week with a dinner of spicy stir fried noodles. He wants next week to be “meat week”, but I don’t think he’s remembering we have appointments on three nights after work. Neither of us is going to be in the mood to cook after any of them.


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