Friday: it’s finally here. We’ve got sunshine, and for the first time in days, no thunder. Mom started laundry before I was even out of bed, wanting to take advantage of the dry weather while it’s here.

It’s also Friday the 13th, if that’s something that concerns you. I’m trying to go through this stage of life with the mindset of every day is special just because it’s a new day. Any fresh sunrise is a reason to celebrate.

However, just because it’s Friday and a shiny new day, that doesn’t mean I can’t whine about something, right? So here goes.

I received a shipping notice at the beginning of the week for the new fabric poi I bought a couple of weeks ago. Awesome, right? Nope! It’s stuck in “label created” status, according to the tracking number. Which means it might not have shipped at all. Or, it’s been shipped and slipped by getting scanned through the USPS system, and I won’t see anything until it hits Florida.

We didn’t go to dinner at the Compound last night, which surprised all of us, to be honest. I expect we’ll get an invite for tonight. Because there’s nothing more I want to do than spend an evening with an additional drunk racist.

I’ll pack some sanity.

1 Comment

  1. I didn’t put two and two together about Friday the 13th 😐

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