you can do it put your back into it

Good morning, and happy Sunday ☀

The unexpected Saturday shift wasn’t bad. NewTech texted StressedRPh, “I’ve been throwing up all morning”. StressedRPh put out the call for help, then NewTech said she’d go to work. StressedRPh cancelled the call for help, and I told her “fine, I’ll put my jammies back on”. Then NewTech asked if she could go in later and stay later. Her logic? If she stayed later, it would give them a chance to finish everything. She can’t get everything done in a five hour shift that starts at 9am, she won’t finish it in a five hour shift that starts at 11am. StressedRPh knows NewTech would be completely useless and spend the shift in the bathroom. She told her to stay home and called me back. After dinner, I got a text from StressedRPh to thank me for covering.

I worked with Matryoshka, and we talked about how much corporate has changed over the time we’ve worked for the company. There have been a lot of changes over the last few years, both good and bad. Unfortunately, the bad is pretty shitty. But, the shift was fine, and BossRPh stopped in to drop off some things for DayTech‘s kids. The extra 4.5 hours will be nice in the paycheck.

From work, I headed out to Walmart, where they had nothing that I nothing that I needed to buy. I’ve missed booty short season, and had a very limited selection of shorts in general. The only pet carriers they had were either super-sized dog crates, or small cat carriers. I need something in between. While I could have fit one of the boys in the smaller carrier they carried (GET IT?) it wouldn’t have been good for travelling. However, I did pick up another harness. I’m not sure if it’s just a bit too small for Mal, or if he’s just terrified of it, because he doesn’t move when it’s on him. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some stuff for the week, and finally back home to relax.

It was a good night, especially compared to Friday’s anxiety-fest before bedtime. Saturdays are usually good. I stay up a little later, and Shawshank and I can watch the SNL repeats together, 2000 miles apart. We have our nightly chat, sandwiched between two hour-long flow sessions in the backyard.

I took a brief break from my regular, ever evolving flow playlist to blast some Led Zeppelin while the sun went down. Later, in the darkness, I switched over to the regular playlist. I add songs as I discover them. Every now and then, I remove songs as I find myself skipping over them one time too many. I feel like my playlist is wildly different when compared to a lot of the videos I see of flowartists online. But I flow for me, and the music is what I like to move to.

And it was a good night for flow. It wasn’t crazy hot or humid, and the mosquitoes weren’t on the attack. The sky was clear, and my neighbor had his fire pit lit. When the breeze was just right, I could smell it.

Since I’ve recorded things a little more often lately, I can see where I need improvement. I’ve accepted that my moves are pretty limited, mostly because I feel stupid standing in the yard drilling the same things over and over again. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve made a point to learn more – regardless of how stupid the drills feel – and try to incorporate them more frequently. Most of my videos make it look like I’m in pain, so I try not to be so stiff.

Another reason to not look stiff? The LED vision poi I’ve been drooling over will look better if I’m not so damned robotic.

Today is chore day. I’ll do a morning workout and shower before the Christmas tree is picked up after lunch. I put two out of the three antique doorstops on eBay last night. I’ve had one inquiry on the more expensive auction; I told Shawshank last night that if someone bought it I was buying the new poi right then. I’ll put the third doorstop up this afternoon, along with a miniature cast iron stove. At some point, I’ll bleach my hair out and decide on a color. I need to do laundry and shuffle some of the future trash.

But, I’ve wasted enough time on this post for the morning. It’s time for a workout, or I’ll never do it this morning.

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