Getting Out

Bonan matenon, miaj amikoj.

One coffee in, one workout complete, one more coffee being consumed while I type this and put on my makeup.

It’s another shift with StressedRPh. I’m dreading going in this morning because I know, I KNOW, she’s going to have something to bitch about. Yesterday was really slow at work, and we all worked on our training mods. StressedRPh is probably going to be pissed we didn’t spend our time doing things like making sure people actually want their monthly order and other such bullshit.

This weekend, we’re actually going out and being social as a couple. DayTech won a buffet and drink party at a local bar, and invited everyone (except StressedRPh). BossRPh kindly offered to carpool and drive us up, since it’s an hour away. When I came home last Friday and asked if he wanted to go out, his reaction was “well, if they’re ok with me being there.” He hasn’t been into my work since the arrest, and he’s very aware everyone in the pharmacy knows the full story. I think it’s mostly embarrassment, which, given the circumstances, is completely understandable.

NewTech specifically said your name, this wasn’t just a ‘all you guys can come’ general invite,” I told him. “You’re invited. YOU.” He’s looking forward to a night out, and has made it clear that I am to eat – really eat, not just snacks – before I start drinking, because he doesn’t want me wasted in front of my boss.

While I have significant doubts about today, I think Friday will be just fine.

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