Good morning, welcome to Monday. I think I found the perfect time to set my alarm to.
I bought peppermint mocha Starbucks pods on clearance. They’re amazing.
I still don’t have handrails at the house. The buyer’s boyfriend was supposed to come yesterday and install/replace three of them. After dinner, I texted our agent to let her know no one came yesterday. Now, there’s an appraisal today. We know they know about the appraisal. The buyer’s agent asked ours if the appraisal could be pushed out to tomorrow or Wednesday. Our agent says it’s not a huge problem, but it’s less than ideal.
It’s such a pain in the ass.
However, since no one was working in/on the house, I was able to spend much of the day lounging about in comfy clothes. I made a quick run to the grocery store. I watched a few more episodes of Buffy, then moved on to Ozark. The new cat crate came in. After I assembled it, I made the cats a bigger box to play in.

Since I’ll probably be forced to interact with other humans today, I need put on real clothing. All these issues with people coming over put a kink in my workout schedule. Tomorrow, back on schedule.
Today, makeup and tidying.
The show Ozark is based on where i live. I’ve never watched it but thought you’d find that interesting 😊
It’s a good show, but it’s definitely not for everyone. I absolutely love the scenery, however, and want to camp in the area during my northward trek later this year.
I live just north of the Ozarks so if you’re in the state and have an issue of any kind, feel free to reach out if necessary. Be glad to assist!