Where’s the mail truck?

Where’s the mail truck?

Good morning! It’s Saturday! YAY WEEKEND! Guess who’s been up since 4:27 am?

So yeah. Not cool. I’m not sure what woke me up, but there was no more sleep for me. Once I was awake, I couldn’t shut my mind off. Then I couldn’t find a comfortable position. I’ll probably nap later. Maybe even before I finish this post.

Thursday and Friday’s workouts have left me really stiff today. I wasn’t even feeling it too much until yesterday evening. I lifted my arm to pay the guy at the Wendy’s drive through and my shoulder was all

Even the hot soak in the tub didn’t help. Then again, I didn’t lay in the tub and soak my back, so maybe I’ll try that tonight.

After poi, that is.

For one shift this week, Friday wasn’t awful. Matryoshka, as expected, totally kicked ass before StressedRPh came in. We had everything pretty much done before I went on my break. In fact, I spent the last hour of my shift doing some ridiculous computer training.

Protip: according to corporate, don’t look your attacker in the eye. But look at them a lot, because we need to know what they looked like.

Ok. It was literally a cat nap, with both cats taking turns snuggling me. But, nap is over, and Shawshank is awake and texting me.

Today, since I can’t seem to move things out of the house, I want to at least work on cleaning the shit that doesn’t get deep cleaned all that often. That’s on top of the regular chores. At some point, I would like to buy some soda to have with dinner tonight.

I need to get dressed and start doing stuff for the day before the poi arrive, because nothing will be accomplished after that.



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