Some morning, I will sleep until the sun comes up. I’ll go to sleep at a normal time, and I’ll sleep through the entire night. I’ll wake up to the sun streaming in the windows and Shawshank calling me a sleepyhead. Today was not that morning. I’ve been up since around 5..ish. Pippin came into bed around 6:30, and snuggled between the two of us. Chaucer joined us around 7, opting to sit behind Shawshank‘s sleeping form and stare at us. The staring continued for quite some time, until Shawshank finally woke up and dispensed their food.
Yesterday was a long one. Friday night, his Mom offered to use one of her free oil changes in the Hot Mess Express when she takes her truck next week. We shuffled around some scheduled shopping, and ended up taking a road trip yesterday after Shawshank was done with work. Ninety minutes on the road, much of the time spent staring out the window at the scenery.

We hit a couple of small stores to look around before we went to Walmart. Once again we made the mistake of walking around the store instead of following the list. Shawshank can say “everything we got, we needed” all he wants. We went to the dispo after Walmart. I don’t think I will ever get over how cheap the weed is here, compared to buying it in Massachusetts. What I bought yesterday would have easily cost me triple in Mass. Our last stop was McDonald’s, and we ate dinner during the drive home.
Today is laundry and chores. The first load of laundry is already in the works. I need to put on some real clothes. Later in the afternoon we’ll head out to Shady Acres. We’ll exchange three empty plastic containers for containers full of cookies, have some dinner, and fix the details for tomorrow’s trip.