Hello, world. I woke up to a sunny Sunday morning. Shawshank was pressed against one side of me, Chaucer snuggled deep into a pile of quilt on the other. I was watching a video about a pigeon that helped raise puppies when the alarm clock went off.
We had a lazy day. Shawshank made us a Canada Day brunch and watched a bit of the celebrations from the capitol while I put on makeup. We heard a few rumbles of thunder in the afternoon, and both phones received alerts about impending storms. Aside from feeling one or two confusing raindrops after dinner (“wtf, did a bird just shit on me again?”), we were dry. I mostly surfed through Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok while Shawshank watched the first two Mission Impossible movies.
Unfortunately, I never made it outside for any spin time. While it was hot outside, which I could have handled, the breeze was a bit too strong. Some breeze is welcome on the hotter days; however, there’s a narrow range of acceptable wind speeds before spinning stops being fun and becomes a hazard. The only time I went out was to join Shawshank for a smoke or to watch the fireworks a local farmer was lighting off.
The laundry is already running. I’ll put on the skin suit and be human today, since we’re going to Shady Acres for dinner.