vintage Christmas decor and a potato shaped cat

vintage Christmas decor and a potato shaped cat

Greetings and salutations, yo. The new week has begun, we’re up, and the coffee is hot. It’s a good start. I’ve been up since at least 6am. It is what it is. The sky is overcast with a milky layer of clouds. There’s no dramatic sunrise here this morning. Today’s sky will only get brighter, like someone’s turning up a dimmer switch.

I had a moment of realization that US Thanksgiving is this week. Mom‘s supposed to host dinner this year because Brian’s parents are out of town. However, there was a medical emergency in the family bubble this week. Mom and Brian are just fine, but I don’t know what will be happening down there for dinner. Honestly, I wasn’t even paying attention to when the holiday falls, I’m paying much more attention to what sales drop this week. And because I’m looking at sales, I’m adding shit to my Amazon wishlist. Christmas is coming.

Yesterday wasn’t bad at all. We stayed inside and watched TV and played with the Switch and cuddled with cats. Shawshank handled chores. We’re still in an adjustment phase when it comes to chores; he’s got a schedule for things and isn’t used to someone else handling household load.

In the afternoon, we headed out to Shady Acres. While we were there, we ended up on the topic of ceramic Christmas trees. My grandmother had one of the old school trees with the little plastic lights. I loved it when I was little, probably because it reminded me of my Lite Brite. I wouldn’t say I’ve been searching for one, as it wasn’t something I’m actively scouting online marketplaces for. However, I had been pricing them online. Shawshank‘s mother said she probably had one in the basement, so he and I headed downstairs to the wall of boxes. There’s a lot: the boxes are organized, but not labeled.

He opened the closet and grabbed a random box. As he used a dart to bust through the packing tape, he asked “wouldn’t it be great if it was in the first box?” He took out some ancient, random Christmas decor, and then it was right there. RIGHT THERE.

For the first time in a few years, I’ll have a tree.

Shawshank has the day off. Mondays are the laziest of days. We’ll have brunch, and pretty much remain on couchlock for the remainder of the day. He’s totally chuffed to watch some Critical Role this afternoon. I’ll play some Subnautica and surf the web.


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