tuesday and that’s it

tuesday and that’s it

Good morning, and happy damned Tuesday. It’s dark and cold. The cats are taking over the couch. Chaucer insists his proper and rightful seat is wherever he can inflict the most inconvenience.

I subjected poor Shawshank to a day of murdery-crime bullshit yesterday. We’ve watched so many police and crime dramas at this point I have just enough knowledge to understand what’s happening. I told my mother I like to yell at the lawyers like some people yell at the ref in an NFL game. Shawshank was bored as fuck. However, I offered to switch the channel twice, and he declined. At that point, I have no pity for his bored ass.

His boss unexpectedly extended her trip and won’t be back until probably Friday-ish. She texted Shawshank yesterday to let him know, and said he can take today off if there is nothing pressing to deal with in the shop. He’s going to go up this morning and check the email and stuff. I should probably pack up the afghan to send to my mother, and we can make a trip to the post office. We’re also thinking of going up to the secondhand shop. I will undoubtedly come home with something to add to the hoard.

1 Comment

  1. I wasn’t too bored. Just a couple of parts dragged. It was very interesting for the other parts!!

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