

Good morning, and happy Tuesday. We’re finally seeing some sunshine after a few days of threatening skies. There’s not a whole hell of a lot of sunshine, but there’s something. After a few days of snow (and snow-adjacent) weather, that makes me happy. They’re telling us we can expect the temps to warm up in a couple of days. Something is happening atmospherically and it has wrought havoc in my face holes for the last week.

While it wasn’t as slothy as usual, we had a good Monday. I dressed early and we went out to visit Shawshank‘s gram before lunch. We couldn’t stay long because the home would be serving lunch. Shawshank made us brunch when we got back to the house, then we settled in for an afternoon of fun. I ate a brownie and watched him play Breath of The Wild for a while, but eventually I changed into something sexier: the Teletubby jammies.

Because I am a terrible person.

We had fun. We didn’t hit any of the poses on the list, because I was cracking up way too much. I’d try to pose, but every time I’d make eye contact with Shawshank, I would lose it again. He shot pics, and I put my phone up to record some video.

After the quick shoot, I got to play the game for a bit. I mostly explored an area I haven’t been able to easily access until recently. I think I picked up a new shrine. Other than that, I didn’t do too much. Shawshank has offered to help me with my next big battle, but I have some things I need to complete before I can do it. Once I finish that shit, then he can help.

We had a new visitor in the yard last night. Shawshank had a bird feeder stuck to the front window, which he filled once some time last summer. The birds ignored the seed, and it’s been in there for damned near a year now. Until two days ago, when it was completely empty. We’d had some wind recently, and with the warming temps I thought maybe the seed “thawed” and was loosened up enough to be jiggled out of the cylinder. Shawshank refilled it the other day, and we thought nothing of it. Late last evening, I heard something outside, and sure enough, there was a damned deer at the window eating the bird seed right out of the feeder. Pippin sat on her little shelf and watched, separated by just the double-pane window.

Shawshank is back at work today. I’m going to try to do the human things in the morning, and try to get my smutting done early. I’ll probably be back on TikTok in the afternoon, live streaming the spin time bullshit.


  1. I wholeheartedly support your “smut” work, but I just can’t think of you like that (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

    I’ll stick to watching you spin poi on tiktok

    Now OF poi would be interesting, but I’m counting on that not happening

    (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

    I’ve tried to get my wife to do OF we could really use the extra money, but she gives me this look

    • crystal

      I think there’s something deeply rooted in a typical wedding ceremony that awakens long-sleeping DNA and bestows the power of THE LOOK ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

      As for OF and all the others, it’s work. I swear, setting up to take pics takes almost as long as taking them, then there’s editing, watermarking stuff that gets posted to Twitter. I’m sure if I took the time to promote more frequently, on places like Reddit or Pornhub, I might make more than $30/month on it.

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