tromp around

tromp around

Good morning, world. Happy weekend. It’s yet another chilly morning. We’re up and about and have riled up the cats bright and early this morning. I gave them some catnip and a box. Their regularly scheduled morning romp has been upgraded to Supertromp.

I tried to replicate Thursday night’s sleep last night. While I didn’t sleep all the way through the night, I made it most of the way through the night. I woke up at least twice in the middle of the night, let the music come back, then went back to sleep. Like yesterday, I think I woke up about an hour before the alarm went off. The cats snuggled on us.

I woke up to $10 in sales overnight, and added another $5 before Shawshank could even top off my coffee. I’d love to see the average earnings of performers, if $15 pushes me up in the brackets that much. On the other hand, if you’re at the bottom, it’s not going to take much to make more than someone not selling anything at all. Our newest ongoing joke in the house is “that costs extra”. It doesn’t matter what that refers to, it always costs extra. There’s also a variation, “people will pay for that, you know”. Case in point, he flung his leg over my pelvis this morning and I made him move it off my bladder. “That costs extra”, I told him, “and we don’t have the special sheets“.

We don’t have to go anywhere today. I’ll get dressed and do human things, but only because the weather’s supposed to be nice enough for me to go out and spin. Mostly, we’ll be sloths.


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