Our Sunday is off to a sunny start, which is a fabulous change from yesterday’s Afternoon of Warnings. We had several rumbles of thunder over the course of maybe an hour. At the time, it wasn’t very cloudy at all. Eventually, the skies clouded over, and shit looked ready to hit the fan. Then the clouds broke up and the sun came out. This cycle continued, with weather alerts popping off with the same regularity of elderly Mom‘s town posting Nextdoor alerts about random POC walking through the neighborhood.
But it never really rained here. We had sprinkles, enough to moisten the patio and roads. But it didn’t really rain.
I made waffles. Normally, I use the premade box mix and make a double batch, which usually will net me about 10-12 waffles. Unfortunately, due to poor planning on my part, I didn’t have enough mix to do that. Logically (and by that I mean normal logic), I could have made a single batch. In my mind, however, this is just stupid. In my brain, chicky-logic says it’s fucking inefficient to make a single batch. I’d just need to make another batch sooner.
The recipe I used looked like it would net me the same amount of mix/batter as the boxed shit. That was patently false, as I ended up with about 16 waffles. I haven’t had any yet, but they cooked up much nicer than the mix, and don’t feel quite as dense. At this point, I might have to use up the last of the mix and switch to homemade.
Later in the afternoon, I played some “Monster Hunter” and streamed on TikTok, which was fun. I beat a boss and credits rolled the other day, but I think Capcom just likes fucking with you. I started experimenting with different weapons again. By default, you start off with a bigass sword, but I hate big slow weapons and switched to duel-wielding smaller blades pretty quickly. I made a brief foray into playing with a lance last week, but didn’t like it. For whatever reason, I wanted to try the hunting horn weapons the other day, and Jesus Christ, that shit is fun. It’s a big slow weapon, but it was love the first time I beat something with what amounted to a set of bagpipes.
Today is brunch day, and it looks like the weather will be somewhat nice as well. Since Shawshank worked yesterday, we’re going to do brunch and clean and stay in for the day. The weather should be nice enough to go outside for a while, and I want to wash my head.