
As promised, he called me tonight to tell me about his call to the Canadian consulate. They didn’t answer, and their menu system says calls will not be returned. “I left a message, even if it was just to make myself feel better,” he told me. “But I have other news.” He has a court date set: March 19th. From what he’s learned from people “inside”, he should have about three to four weeks after that before he leaves.

“If everything goes smoothly and quickly, maybe we’ll be together for my birthday.”

It’s a nice thought, but a scary one. That’s not a lot of time when it comes down to it. I like having a goal to work towards, but I hate the pressure involved with having a date in mind. I remember it was about a year ago when he was balled up in bed one night, quiet. Too quiet. I think he’d just gotten yet another notice that his court date had been postponed a couple of months. The new date was just a couple of days before his birthday, and he was freaking out over the idea that he might be in jail for it. Who knew a year ago that he wouldn’t be in jail for that birthday, but that we’d probably be apart for this one.

I decided to start looking into getting new wheels. I emailed a few dealerships today. The car I was interested in wasn’t available at one place, and another one hasn’t returned my call. The last place has the car I want to check out, with less miles on it, but is a bit more expensive than the others. Very, very annoying.

But, I really hope that something works out. I have Friday off, so it would excellent if I can get the ball rolling on a car tomorrow, and get everything taken care of at the end of the week. The way I see it, the payments shouldn’t be much more than the current car, if at all, but the gas budget would be better.

One Comment

  1. […] messaged his mother after his call last night. I wanted her to know what the timeline looks like right now. He wants all this to be over and done with, and doesn’t want to fight […]

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