Thursday?  Already?

Thursday? Already?

This week feels like it’s moving quicker than my workweeks usually go. Not that I’m complaining or anything. The quicker the week moves, the closer I am to the weekend.

Last night, I walked around the house with a packet of stickers and slapped price tags on things. I confirmed that tomorrow’s shift is a short one, so I’ll have all evening to bring everything into the dining room. After dinner tonight, I’ll go down to the basement and haul things upstairs. The more things I can have on the main level of the house, the easier Saturday morning will be.

Shawshank started the legwork for proper ID yesterday. At the moment, it looks like nothing can happen for at least 90 days. In order to set up new ID, he needs to have supporting documents to prove his address and identity. However, the sort of things that can be used to supporting documents require an ID to get. The only ID he can apply for is a provincial health card, but that requires that he lives in the province for 90 days before he can apply.

On the other hand, things have progressed quite quickly on this side of the border. Yesterday, I pondered whether my passport application was at the bottom of the backlog pile, or the top. As it turns out, I was at the top.

Things are definitely moving faster than expected.

We haven’t told either of our parents. I didn’t tell my mother, as she’d be on the next flight up here and I’m just not ready for that. Shawshank didn’t tell his parents, either. He only just moved in a couple of days ago. He (wisely) decided they don’t need the added stress and worry about my potential move up there without a solid plan in place for him.

Tonight, I’m having some of my leftover tofu tikka masala for dinner. Since it’s a shift with StressedRPh, dinner will be something to look forward to. The humidity has dropped, and while it will be pretty warm, it will at least be comfortable. I’d like to try to take some pictures with my new poi, but it depends on how windy it is after dinner.



  1. I have been reading your blog for a few months… your bio mentions that shawshank didn’t just break the law in the US he also cheated on you… do you ever talk about how you and he have worked through that? I hopped over from you reading ‘tearingatthefabric’S blog and your adventure is … fascinating – and as a Canadian I feel like I should tell you that it’s not nearly as weird and podunk as you fear… Canada has pockets of awesome everywhere and your chill attitude will be good for some of the Saskatchewan folk. But I also worry about you upending your whole life and moving to be with a man who utterly screwed you over when things were good (I guess? I’m not sure about how good, but… you seem like a stellar
    Gal). Now you’re turning everything upside down to make life with him a thing. Where is your safety in your list of priorities? Are you ok?

    • crystal

      I wouldn’t say we’ve “worked things out”, because I honestly don’t think it’s something that will ever have total closure as long as we’re together. It’s been, and always will be, an ongoing process. I have posted about stuff in the past, but not as often as I used to. My posts about what happened and how we’ve dealt with it are a way to work through my thoughts and problems as they come up. Those days are fewer and farther between, so I don’t post about it as often. There’s only so many posts I want to make rehashing the same things.

      As for my safety, I’m not worried about it. We both acknowledge my well-being – physical and mental – is at the top of my list of priorities.

      • Absolutely fair- I started my blog in the midst of finding out the man I married was a completely different person, but has now shifted to my new life, and he is only mentioned when he comes up, or triggers occur in my new world… I was just curious.

        • crystal

          That’s pretty much the same for me. Unless something comes up and I have a bad day, I don’t post about what happened. It happened, and it is what it is, but I don’t and won’t let what happened define me.

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