I’m sweaty already.

Well, my friends, we’ve made it halfway through another week. It’s murky and muggy and I’m not sure if we’ll see much of the sun today. They say we might have some thunderstorms, but they’ve been saying it for days at this point. I don’t think I believe them.

I walked around the house with a little notepad last night. It was a quick way to get a quick inventory of what I need to bring outside on Saturday morning. If my schedule is correct, I should have a short shift on Friday, which would let me work out in the morning and spend the evening organizing for the yard sale.

Shawshank survived a 4-hour round trip ride to Walmart. As someone who grew up in a city with two large malls and some shopping centers, plus access to a couple of others close by, it’s difficult to comprehend the distances between “stuff” around TinyTown. There are no less than four Walmarts within a 15-minute drive; six if wanted to drive 20 minutes. The trip was for Shawshank‘s benefit. He needed a few essentials that I didn’t pack for him.

They announced reopening passport processing centers last week. According to one article I read, they think it will take about 8 weeks for the backlog of passports to be processed. I’m not sure where my application falls in the backlog. I submitted my paperwork a week before they shut down. I’m not sure if the backlog consists of just the applications put in before shutdown, or if it’s everything submitted between shutdown and reopening. I had assumed I was at the end of the backlog. However, if their backlog stats are based off of everything submitted, then I could be closer to the top of the pile than I initially thought.

Things could move faster than expected.

I did a 54 minute workout this morning, since it’s a late shift for me. I don’t know who we’ll work with today. Doogie the Dickhead was fired for inappropriate behavior. Unless it’s Whatshisname, I expect it to be a good shift. Shawshank will chat a bit while I work, to keep me company.

Today, things are just moving.

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