This might’ve been longer if I could think of something to write about and didn’t need to pee so badly.

This might’ve been longer if I could think of something to write about and didn’t need to pee so badly.

Hey y’all. It’s Sunday, the skies are clear, and the temperature is about 10 degrees higher than it has been in the last few days. We plan on leaving the house today, productive adults and all.

Yesterday was quite quiet. We stayed in the house and watched TV all day. No painting, no visits, nothing. Nothing but laundry and the occasional discussion about food or smoke breaks. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Dune, some Outlander. There were a couple of quick breaks to text my mom and wish her a happy new year and fulfill a random Amazon order for compression socks for her. Shawshank made us a delicious brunch, which I sadly ate only half of.

It was wonderful.

I’m trying to remain optimistic about the return flight, while Mom‘s worried about potential cancellations. I’m keeping an eye on the news and emails, but it’s a little early to know what’s happening with my itinerary. If shit does go sideways, I have until Thursday to cancel Friday’s hotel reservation. We don’t really go out, so I’m trying not to think about the possibility of a positive Covid test preventing me from leaving. I get my official pre-flight test on Friday afternoon, but won’t have the results immediately. Rapid tests are available in town, and I should probably get one to take before any cancellation cutoffs.

Today, we are actually leaving the house, and heading out to Slightly BiggerTown to do some shopping. We’ll probably go out after I get dressed, and I’m paying for lunch today while we’re out. Since the temperature is actually somewhat tolerable today, and I might bundle up and try to play outside with the poi for a little while when we get home, or stash them in my purse and spin in a field. I think tonight might be dinner at Shady Acres, but I’m not 100% certain. No matter what, I need to put on clothes. The furnace guy will be here at some point.

Enjoy the last of the weekend, y’all. It’s time to be a person.


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