There must be some Toros in the atmosphere

Good morning, and happy Friday. The sun is up, it’s currently a brisk -12°🦫, and I have coffee number 2. Are we ready for the weekend? Yes. Yes, we are.

Actually, I don’t know why I’m ready for the weekend. My entire last year has been one enormous weekend. However, Shawshank is ready for the weekend, therefore I’m ready for the weekend. I’ve settled into a sort of routine. He leaves really early for work, I mentally chastise myself for being upset he’s leaving so early, then I vape something while another pot of coffee brews. From there, I either assume my human form, or write a post.

I’m still friendly and chatting daily with BossRPh and DayTech. BossRPh’s friend’s pharmacy is closing on weekends because he’s literally the only pharmacist they have available in that store, they have no one else available, and he needs days off. DayTech says our pharmacy is a complete shitshow. She says that with vaccine appointments every 10 minutes all day, they can’t handle the workload of the regular, everyday things. When she left yesterday afternoon, they still had 150 scripts to fill. When I was working, our average daily count was about 175.

BossRPh said several of her chain’s pharmacies are closing on weekends to try and catch up. Our pharmacy was closed last weekend because they had no one to cover it, and DayTech says they’re closing this weekend for the same reason. DayTech also said they’re closing several of their district’s pharmacies on weekends “to help with pharmacy workflow”. This will fix exactly nothing and fuck up everything for weeks because it’s not like they’re scheduling people to work and catch up on stuff. No, corporate is simply closing the pharmacies for a day or two, depending on location. No one’s actually going in to do work, because corporate doesn’t give a shit about catching up. They’ll close for a day or two, and lose money, but still less money than if they paid employees to be in there while it’s closed. There’s nothing that prevents doctors and patients from calling in scripts to be filled. Staff is just expected to take a weekend off and return to work on Monday, now with even more extra work to do.

It’s going to be like just like the week after Thanksgiving weekend, but every week.

But enough about that. I painted shit.

Shawshank told me to set up a “priming station” in a kitchen closet, and my first attempt was… ok. I texted him at work and asked if he could bring home some newspaper or plastic bag when he came home for lunch. He brought me an entire sofa-sized plastic bag. I slipped it into the closet like one of those abominable female condoms, stuffed the boxes inside, et voilà. Priming station. I primed a bunch of bases. While they dried, I worked on two of the Sisters of Battle. I only took pictures of one.

He’s pretty much ordered me to leave his ladies alone and assemble some of my own miniatures today. It might actually happen.

I think we’re either ordering takeout from the one restaurant in TinyTown, or walking over. We’re stealing his mom’s truck tomorrow and going shopping in Slightly BiggerTown. I’m buying weed. Shady Acres is on quarantine at the moment with some sort of non-covid household sick, which means we’ll be having Sunday dinner on our own this weekend. We’re going to come up with something bland to cook and send over to them.

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