The Waiting is the Worst

Good morning, my darlings. Welcome to Thursday. I’m awake, you’re awake, we’ve got this. Today is a weather alert day. We’re expecting a large storm system to roll through over the next 36 hours. However big it is, the system’s accumulation should be on the lighter end of things. The weather isn’t even supposed to turn slick until overnight.

I haven’t heard anything about the house. Our agent asks at least once a week how I’m handling things. “If you’re not calling or texting, then I assume things are handled”, I told her. I’m not sure I would be handling things as well if I had I jumped into selling the house last summer. Between a year of Covid and emptying the house, I think I reached zero fucks about 5 months ago.

On Shawshank‘s end of things… We had hoped that everything would be set on the first mailing to the consulate. When it comes to figuring out what the cost would be for the consulate to handle his paperwork, nothing is straightforward. The cost could have been $50 or $300, we weren’t entirely certain which docs they were “authenticating”. Ultimately, we didn’t send enough, and they emailed him yesterday. He’s sending the difference this week.

Regardless of when his paperwork shows up in the lawyer’s hands, I’m planning to leave next week. I’m aiming for Wednesday. I’ll have junk people in on Tuesday to haul shit out, and spend one last night on the floor in a very empty house. There’s not a lot of big things left for the junk guys, just the coffee table, a small table in the kitchen, and the TV stand. It’s probably half of what they took out in their last trip. They have a minimum cost for a pickup, and if it doesn’t meet the minimum, I’ll keep throwing shit in the truck until it does. The more stuff I can get out on Tuesday, the better.

Today is a human day. I have to go out to the post office. Depending on how expensive that turns out, I may go out to Walmart as well. I want to pick up a few things. I don’t expect to need to go out again until the weekend.

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