Hello, Friday. I woke up around 5am to another gray day in TinyTown. Neither cat gave me my traditional morning snuggles. I have a system for figuring out what time it is without looking at a clock.

  • If there’s a cat in bed, there’s a 50/50 chance the alarm hasn’t gone off yet.
  • No cat and no husband in bed? I listen for morning sounds like the coffee pot and cereal prep. If I’m listening to the coffee pot, I know he just got up. He makes his breakfast a bit later.
  • If the aurora light is on, Shawshank has already left, putting the time somewhere after 5:15am

Of course, it would be vastly more efficient to look at a fucking clock. You have to realize I’m dealing with a sleep mask and a bonnet all precariously arranged on my head*. If I fuck with THE SYSTEM, it all comes undone. I’m awake. There’s no further chance for dozing.

We had a good day off together. I assumed a human form, and we went out to the thrift shop and the grocery store in town. The thrift shop was super crowded, but we didn’t see anything we needed. There was a comforter with a funky unicorn print that I absolutely would have snagged if it was a sheet or duvet cover. We scored a great deal on cereal in the grocery store.

Between shopping trips, we chilled. Shawshank played some Tears of The Kingdom. I set up the heat sealing shit in the living room so I could feel like I was interacting with another human. I managed to finish 14 of the 28 locs. I need about 40 total. Shawshank gave me some new crochet hooks to help take care of some of the frizz. I plan to spend the day working on more pink locs. In a perfect world, I’d mat what I need today, seal everything tomorrow, and then install on Tuesday or so. In a more realistic world, I’ll mat up maybe 5-6, seal a bunch tomorrow, keep trying to finish, and maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have them in by Friday.

He’s working a morning shift today. I felt him give me multiple kisses – extra, because we were too comfy to roll over and do a proper goodnight last night. We’re driving out to Slightly BiggerTown this afternoon for groceries, and we’ll have just enough time to slip into the restaurant for Date Night.

* THE SYSTEM stays up there just fine. The problem lies in keeping the headphones on my ears. Priorities.


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