the older you get the longer your ears get but the less you can hear

the older you get the longer your ears get but the less you can hear

We have nearly attained the weekend. Nearly. Some of y’all have lives and jobs and shit that you need to get through before you can properly attain the weekend.

Unfortunately, it rained for most of yesterday. There were some sprinkles in the morning, but nothing really bad. Spitting, we’d say. Most of the sheets line dried relatively quickly, and Mom brought them inside just after lunch. After lunch, we saw the promised isolated rain for much of the afternoon. The remaining sheets and towels dried, eventually.

Mom and I finished the first season of Stranger Things, then started up the second. We’ll have to wait until Monday to watch anything else; the latest episode of The Inquisition drops this afternoon.

One of the packages I mailed last week came back to me. I messaged the buyer to let him know and figure out what happened. He was confused as hell as well. When he last tracked it, the package he tracking showed a delivered status. He’s recently moved and didn’t know what type of neighborhood he’s in. He thought neighbors might have stolen or otherwise liberated it from his porch and planned to talk to his postman. I told him no worries, he gave me another address and I told him I’d send it out when I wasn’t baked.

I tried to delete the “I’m baked” part of the message, thinking better of it. The brain fumbled and sent it instead. Fortunately, he thought it was great. Several hours later, I looked back and thought I really should confirm which of the two addresses to use. As it turned out, the address he gave me to ship was his old address. “I musta been high”, he apologized.

On the plus side, the rain eventually tapered off to nothing after dinner. While I wasn’t able to paint as planned, I was able to go outside for some spin time.

I didn’t feel 100% last night. I had a bit of abdominal pain that felt less “you fool shouldn’t have eaten all those fries” feeling and more like “is this how my gall bladder finally explodes?” I popped a handful of ibuprofen before my call with Shawshank.

According to today’s forecast, we can expect more showers today, but less than yesterday. I would like to do some painting, but with today’s J6 hearings, I’m not sure how much attention will be paid to either activity if I try to do both. Maybe Chinese? Maybe a peanut butter cup?


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