That’s not a workout, that’s pretending.

That’s not a workout, that’s pretending.

Good morning, y’all. Our week is winding down with some snow. The flakes are falling and it looks all pretty. Even better, the flakes are falling down, not blowing straight sideways. However, it’s supposed to keep coming down. I don’t know how long it will last today, but the forecast calls for a couple of inches tomorrow before dumping a load on us on Saturday.

I had a somewhat active day yesterday. I pulled the poi out and practiced in the living room. It’s difficult because I need to worry about two ceiling lights and the TV, and I try to stick to the softer sets. I’ve missed my spin time. In the end, my plans to shoot ✨content✨ were put off in favor of spinning poi in a live stream. I didn’t make any money, but I felt awesome. We finally found a waterproof cell phone pouch, and I might start doing occasional morning shower cams at $5 admission.

In addition to the poi, I’ve started working out again. I’ve missed feeling strong. I really miss looking strong. Rather than pull all the weights out, I brought a single 20lb kettlebell into the living room. They’re not my 90+ minute workouts of the past; at this point I’m firmly in the “everything hurts and I’m dying” stage if I do anything. In fact, they are so short they barely qualify as a workout.

Today, I can expect more of the same. Assume the human form, and do the things.


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