It’s a nice sunny morning, and it seems like the fog has finally moved out. I’ve been up since just before sunrise with the usual problems: too hot, tangled in sheets, feeling damp. I got up to use the bathroom, air dried a bit while I was up, and returned to bed.
As usual, Sloth Day was sloth-y. I played Skyrim in the morning, mostly turning in small side quests and exploring until after brunch. Shawshank did the same with Tears of The Kingdom, finishing up a bigger quest. I sat down and finished the main sewing portion of the VERY LOOOONG TABLECLOTH pants. The only thing left to do is install the elastic. I didn’t want to start on another pair of pants right then. My personal brand of brain logic didn’t want to begin another project when I have at least three pairs to photograph and add to Etsy this week. Instead, I added another 3-4 ties to the skirt project.

It’s slow going, but it’s progress. Yesterday’s additions went on more quickly than when I first started last week. My mens liked their stripes.
Today is Tuesday, which is almost like an extra Sloth Day. Shawshank will be home at lunch, and we’ll go out to the secondhand shop this afternoon. In between, I’ll assume a human form and handle the elastic in the pants. If I can be motivated enough, I might even take pics for the Etsy listings.