Swift Morning, Slow Night

It was a long day, one of those days where it started off quickly and then suddenly slowed to a crawl. I went to lunch a little bit late, which wasn’t bad; not too late where I was hungry, but not so early that I had to share the breakroom with the germaphobic Wednesday Adams. While I enjoyed my yogurt, someone started screaming at StressedRPh and MusicMan, who were splitting the day’s shift. It was the same guy who called and complained last Wednesday after his son’s order was missed. This time he’s pissed because a doctor sent over a new script for pain killers, but at double the dose the son had initially gone home with. Neither pharmacist was comfortable filling it without talking to the doctor, and now we’re the worst pharmacy in the world.

Oh, so sad. We’ll never try to keep your addict son from a possible OD ever again.

However, after three hours of dealing with all the bullshit that StressedRPh had to deal with trying to get that straightened out, it went a bit more smoothly. One of our regulars told me he hoped my hair came back. I left on time, made a quick dinner of black bean soup and a scoop of rice, and busted out a 35 minute workout before Shawshank‘s call.

He was in a good mood. The last of the books I ordered was delivered, along with a Shutterfly order. “We were under lock-down,” he told me. “One of the SWAT guys brought it to my cell, in full tactical gear.”  He was super happy to receive both; I’m not sure which delivery he liked more.  He’s still working on one of the other books I sent him – Foucault’s Pendulum – but was stoked to add Slaughterhouse Five to his collection.

His very first question was how I liked my hair, and laughed about how I described washing my hair as “splashier” that it had been.  We talked food.  For a change of pace, he’s switched his meal preferences to meat-free for a month, and he’s enjoying almost everything he’s been receiving. He complained about today’s lunch, which was just navy beans and rice, but he improvised a taco bowl for dinner.

Tomorrow, a full shift with StressedRPh after a quick run to the post office. I’m looking forward to a feast of shrimp tacos for dinner, perhaps a workout, and definitely some kitty snuggles.

For now, however, I’m going to head up to bed with the cats.  Let’s hope no one needs to move any appliances in the morning.


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