Sunshine, shit, and salads

Sunshine, shit, and salads

TGIF, my friend(s). We finally have some nice weather. The sun is supposed to stick around through the weekend. Last night was nice enough for me to enjoy some spin time after dinner. But…. we know that’s not what you’re here to read about.

You want to know about my cat’s poop 馃挬.

Mal made out ok. The vet says there’s no parasites, and no sign of anything in the x-rays. Unfortunately, they don’t know what else could be causing his issues. They drew blood while he was sedated for his x-rays, and I opted to have them run labs on it. I’ll know more on Monday.

On one hand, it’s good to eliminate some possibilities. On the other hand, I feel like any other potential diagnoses would be more serious. Shawshank would tell me to stop worrying. He’d suggest that maybe it could be as simple as his food doesn’t agree with him.

Today is grocery shopping day. Last night, Mom told me she really likes going without Brian. It’s faster. We both have shopping lists. We’re having company over tomorrow, and I’m making a couple of side dishes: sweet potato and Brussels sprout salad, and a pasta salad. Thankfully, I can prep things this afternoon. I won’t take up too much space in the kitchen tomorrow while Mom tries to roast two chickens.

Maybe I’ll fit a workout into the day somewhere.

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