Sunshine for the moment

Sunshine for the moment

Happy Sunday. Sunday? Yes, we’ve made it one more trip across the week. Congrats 👏

Yesterday was typical. We went out to Walmart and bought groceries. Most of the afternoon was wet. I played “Hades” all afternoon. I know it’s only a matter of time for me to “beat” it. Fortunately, it’ll be hella fun to actually complete it as well.

The rest of the night was good. I made BBQ chicken quesadillas for dinner. I don’t cook very often, mostly because my tastes are vastly different than the family’s. Everyone liked them. After dinner, another round of “Hades” and some serious flow state.


my favorite highlights from tonight’s episode of OH BABYGIRL WHAT NO DON’T DO THAT 💫#ledpoi #poi #flowtoys #DontSpillChallenge

♬ Satisfaction – Benny Benassi & The Biz

At least one part of my night was good.

I had a shitty sleep last night. I was getting drowsy when Shawshank and I said goodnight at 11:30 pm. Unfortunately, I was up for another two hours. I’ve been having a rough time of it the last couple of nights. I don’t know what’s up with that.

Honestly, it’s probably anxiety. There were some rough weeks before I drove down here. Now, itching to leave again with no date in sight, and I’m a bundle of nerves again.

I slept through this morning’s thunderstorm, sadly. I don’t think I’ll have long to wait for another one. Most surprisingly, Mal didn’t run out of my room and into Mom and Brian’s bedroom to hide. He’s better with storms if I’m with him when the noise starts. However, I expect he probably just went under my bed for the duration. He was next to me when I woke up, that’s all that matters.

It’s Sunday, so that means dinner at the Compound. Brian’s uncle has asked us to come over to his house this afternoon. He needs us to help him navigate the scary, complicated internet to order copies of his birth certificate and Social Security card.

I’m going to pretend to be normal for another day.


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