Ah, Sunday. It’s the final day of my 3-day weekend, and I feel like I got a lot done yesterday. Accomplishments for the day included:
- long workout
- actually took pictures of Lego sets
- survived a trip to the grocery store for tortillas
- put two bikes and a longboard up for sale on Facebook
- did laundry
- did dishes
- listed the Lego for sale
- enjoyed my goddamn fajitas
One of the bikes has been picked up, and the other should be later today. Several of the Lego sets are spoken for, I only need to reply to buyers about shipping costs. By the end of the week, I should have several more boxes of things to send out, and a little extra money in the bank to put towards the road trip wishlist.
I also decided to enjoy some self-care, and poured myself a large rum and Coke, which I enjoyed in a hot bubble bath. It was nice to lay in the tub and let some stress out. The cats, for the most part, ignored my singing. Mal checked in on me periodically, meowing like crazy if he couldn’t see my head.

Hopefully, I’ll only need to deal with bike pickup today. I want to finish cleaning the kitchen, and possibly box up some of the extra plates for donation. There’s also a tea set I need to sell. I promised myself I’d pick through the clothing piles again, to pare down those some more. Would I like to pack my adorable 50’s-style bathing suit? Sure. Do I expect I’ll get to do much swimming in landlocked West Bumfuck, Saskatchewan? Nope.
Am I impressed I spelled Saskatchewan without looking it up?
Fuck yeah, that’s impressive.
Unfortunately, I should also start cleaning and photographing my own beloved collection: the ponies. I’m not looking forward to that at all. I know I’ll get the most money for the least amount of effort if I put everything up on Ebay. On the other hand, I fucking hate Ebay. If there’s anything I hate more than Ebay, it’s Ebay pony buyers. Every single time I list things on Ebay, I always end up dealing with some sort of bullshit.
On a good note, it’s also my day to go visit Shawshank. I miss him. He didn’t call last night. That’s not very surprising, since he’s trying to keep to an every other day schedule. I can’t wait until it doesn’t cost us $8 every time he calls. When we first met, way back in the days of Livejournal, he was living outside Vancouver, BC. An old Livejournal friend of ours asked me how I was doing, emotionally. I told her we were handling things. We started our relationship with a much greater distance between us, and no opportunity to get any face to face interaction. This situation, as shitty as it is, is oddly familiar.
I’m handling it, for the most part.