Looky looky, what do we have here? Why, IT’S SATURDAY.
The cats let me sleep in once again. I only snoozed the alarm once. When it went off the second time, Mal was standing on my chest, reenacting the beginning of The Lion King as the opening chants of “The Circle of Life” played. I’ve done my driving around for the day, with a quick stop at the post office, followed by a stop for some groceries for the week. The blind date with a book box is back out on the curb, with some added goodies. Since I came home with more paper bags, I wrapped up a couple of games and added them to the box.
Within the property lines of Chez Chicky, there’s work to be done. I have to do dishes, and I want to clean up the living room. My main goal of the weekend is clearing off the tables and counters. There’s just too much stuff piled up on any flat surface at the moment. As before, I’m starting to feel trapped on the couch.
Shawshank‘s call yesterday wasn’t completely pointless. He wanted to update me on what’s happening with his removal: that is to say, NOTHING. Captain American, the facility ICE agent, couldn’t help because he didn’t bring his laptop. But hey, they can meet up when he’s back at the facility again, next Wednesday. Wanna know why it takes forever to deport a Canadian who just wants to cross the border? Because of shit like this.
There were also some announcements about how the facility is handling quarantine for the time being. Visitation, which was supposed to be opened back up again on Monday (the 4th), will remain closed until the proposed beginning phases reopening of the state on the 9th. In the meantime, they’ve given everyone a small radios and a deck of cards. This week, they announced that everyone gets one free phone call daily, and three envelopes.
Tonight, we once again celebrate #selfcaresaturday. I bought myself a treat for the bubble bath: a couple of containers of chocolate pudding and a tub of whipped topping. Both items went into a bowl with a couple of shots of coconut rum, whipped up, and put in the freezer. I’m not sure what media I’ll be consuming within the confines of that cast iron tub. Sometimes it’s a movie, sometimes a couple of episodes of a series, other times I just get drunk and write and listen to music.
Anyone got a suggestion?
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