I’ve been up since before 4am. I don’t know what woke me, but I had a lot of trouble going back to sleep. Eventually, I lightly hit my vape with the hope it would boost me over the precipice and into dreamland. No such luck with the sleep, unfortunately, but it did loosen up a bunch of chest congestion. Shawshank‘s alarm went off and I apologized for coughing so much. I positioned myself like a small bean and tried to sleep. I did, briefly, until he came in and kissed me goodbye.

And now I’m up and out of bed.
I was actually productive yesterday, and took a bunch of pics for the flesh farm. Pippin sat on the bed, looking incredibly judgmental, while I figured out what I wanted to wear. When I set up my ring light, she took the hint and moved. Once I started taking pictures, Chaucer paced between the living room and the bedroom. He’d sit in the doorway and give me a look that simultaneously conveyed his disappointment and annoyance. I don’t even know what the hell his problem was, because it wasn’t as though he wanted to be on the bed.
Photos taken, I put clothes on and moved on to playing Just Dance. At least, that was my intention. When I turned the Switch on, I had no audio into the TV. Normal TV had sound, but the Switch didn’t. The same thing happened a week or two ago, and it resolved itself after a bit. Since I couldn’t play Just Dance, I set the console to download an update for Skyrim. By the time I finished eating some lunch, both the audio and the download were resolved. I played Just Dance for an hour or so.
Today, I’m going to do the human things again. I have photos to edit tonight, but my mornings are meant for making it weird.